NC Budget speech: MEC paves way forward

By Refilwe Mphirime

The Northern Cape MEC of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism Abraham Vosloo presented the Provincial budget speech on 10 March.

Vosloo quoted the words spoken by the Premier of the Northern Cape Dr Zamani Saul at the first Infrastructure Summit. “Infrastructure is a catalyst for growth. Given our limited resources, we can all agree that the road of the private sector is formative in meeting our developmental projector to grow and modernise our Province” he quoted.

He then went on to say that for the next three years, infrastructure spending would amount to R11.9 billion.  R8.6 billion has been allocated towards the provincial departments, with municipalities accounting for R3.250 billion.

He announced the following allocations:

R1.2 billion for building new schools and for and renovating  schools in all five districts. 68 million has been set aside to complete 4 schools namely, Westend Primary, Vooruitsig Primary, Kimberley Boys High and Rederile School.  R183 million is for constructing two new primary and secondary schools in Kimberley explained the MEC.

The Sol Plaatje Municipality will be advanced R20 million in the current financial year to reduce the debt owed on rates and taxes by the provincial government. “The Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs has been assigned R270.8 million. R200 million for Human Settlements Development Grant and an additional R70.8 million will be set aside for the Provincial Emergency Housing Grant,” stated Vosloo.

The MEC indicated that the Social Sector will receive R43.5 billion, including R211.8 million for COVID -19 Vaccine roll out in the Province and R79, 9 million for improving quality early childhood development services.

Vosloo quoted a gloomy picture painted by Statistic South Africa due to pandemic.  “The national unemployment rate was at 32.5% in the fourth quarter of 2020, which is 3.4% higher than in the fourth quarter of 2019. The number of employed people decreased by 1.397 million, while the unemployed increased by 507 thousand. Jobs were lost in every industry, with the finance industry recording the highest number of job losses at 256 thousand”.

“The national fiscal consolidation amounted to R2.1 billion due to the decrease and slow growth over the 2021 MTEF which mainly relates to the reduction on employees’ compensation and a wage freeze amounting to R2.5 billion implemented by national,” shared the MEC.

Standard Bank in South Africa, through Enterprise Development, has allocated R20 million facility aimed at small black-owned businesses of the provincial government with bridging finance and Business Development Support Services.

Vosloo stated, “We are more than ready to deal with the task ahead.” He also emphasised the importance of expediting information technology to ensure that the province does not lag behind.

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