Kimberley residents render memorandum

By Refilwe Mphirime

The residents of the Sol Plaatje Municipality took to the streets on the 15 April, after going for 5 days without water, to hand over a memorandum of demands at the Provincial Premier’s office in Kimberley, where they were met by the Premier Dr Zamani Saul and the Mayor Patrick Mabilo.

The residents comprised of various community groups, who says they have in the past rendered similar service delivery memorandums and have not received satisfactory results.

“Should this status quo continue, and the community matters fail to be attended to and addressed, further escalations and legal processes will be undertaken. Various human rights violation have been occurring on an ongoing basis which have various dire consequences”.

The residents say this is their last attempt to seek remedy to these demands.

Some of the demands were as follows;

  • An urgent meeting between the premier and the representatives to take place within 24 hours to discuss “emergency issues and demands regarding the mismanagement of municipality and restoration of water”.
  • To prioritise disaster affected areas in Kimberley.
  • All areas of Kimberley demand excellent and equal service delivery.
  • The R500 million budget and project plan be made public within 7 days and loaded on the Sol Plaatje Municipality webpage for access by/to all.


Residents have reservations on the transparency and accountability of the implementers and demand communication on how their tax money is spent.

  • The municipality must with immediate effect publish on their website the cost of supply study done on electricity supply and must cease all intentions to increase the price of electricity from the 1 July 2021.
  • The housing project to build houses for all in Kimberley within the next 1-4 years term (all beneficiaries must be consulted).
  • The Mayoral Committee must be changed with immediate effect; none of the current members must be retained.
  • All promises made by the mayor in the past 2 years must be published with an indication of progress made. Should the majority not be at least 50% complete he must step down with immediate effect.
  • Mr Sello Matsie’s contract be reassessed due to lack of performance and inadequate reporting on community matters.

67-year-old Irene Mogorosi who was among the protesters said, “I am here based on the fact that we do not have water and even our electricity is a problem. When you buy R500 worth of electricity you get 260 units, where does the rest of the money go to?” asked Mogorosi.

Andries Hector, a 33 year old unemployed youth from Greenpoint was also one of the protestors, says he is saddened by the current state of the city.

Saul and Mabilo signed the memorandum.

“We have heard your demands and we are willing to sign the memorandum even though some demands are yet to be added. There is a request that we meet with your leaders within the next 24 hours and that will happen. Going for days without water is criminal,” acknowledged the Premier.

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