The Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform has taken note of the reported outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in the North West Province, and has already convened emergency meetings to respond accordingly as per protocols.

Veterinary Officials are on High Alert and will immediately increase surveillance especially at high-risk livestock facilities in the Province.

Farmers are encouraged to report any suspicious activities or livestock to the nearest State Veterinary Office.


Furthermore, the Province endorses the National statement and the following is worth repeating:

All farmers, livestock owners, members of industry and other stakeholders across the country are urged to use caution when sourcing cattle.

The notion of “know what you are buying” holds true in this instance- by encouraging livestock owners to know the health of the animals they are investing in, and where possible, seek a health confirmation from the seller’s Veterinarian.

Livestock owners are further reminded that Foot and Mouth Disease is transmitted by moving cattle from infected premises to uninfected sites. Hence, we urge all owners not to move animals if there is a suspicion of illness.

All buyers must ensure they get an attestation from the seller, confirming the health status of the animals they are buying.

Should any suspicious clinical symptoms (such as salivation, blisters in the mouth, limping or hoof lesions) be seen, it should be reported to the local State Veterinarian immediately and such animals must not be moved under any circumstances.


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