By: Karabo Siyoko

Pictures By Reboane Prophy

To open the 2023 academic year, government officials visited schools in Galeshewe and parts of the Northern Cape.

The Northern Cape Department of Education (NCDOE) earlier issued a notice to media houses proclaiming that learning and teaching would commence on the first day. Preparations included registrations of learners ahead of the start of the year, procuring textbooks, stationery and ensuring the availability of suitably qualified teachers for all grades , for all subjects, at all schools.

MEC for Youth, Women, Disability, Communications and E-Governance Venus Blennies visited Kimberley Girls High school, one of the schools that have appointed a new principal, Safiyaia Stanfley.

Blennies declared, “the schools I have visited are ready to start the business of the year. Learners are equipped with stationery and textbooks”.

It does not matter which grade you are. What is important is that you are in the process of crafting your future. Therefore you need to take your work seriously; what you do with your life matters because you will not get this moment again. If you intend to do well, you must put in those extra hours”, urged the MEC.

Two Grade 8 parents from Kimberley Girls high, Michelle Berg and Lily Fourie, explained that their children were excited to be at their new school.

An Official from NCDOE, Nene Matshelo, was with dignitaries who visited Tshireleco High School. She pleaded with learners to be disciplined and respect their teachers and encouraged them to strive towards achieving their dreams.

Matshelo requested educators to be patient and put learners first, as this will enable them to tackle challenges jointly. She advised parties to “set a target you would like to reach and work towards reaching that goal.” She implored parents to support the school and learners to succeed.

Tshireletso High school Principal Mothusimang Tshipinyana highlighted to learners that discipline was vital this year, citing that wearing of full school uniform will be monitored daily.

Tshipinyana also appealed to parents to be more involved in their children’s education by attending meetings to discuss learners’ performance and challenges.

Grade 10 learners Amogelang Mamongwe and Goitsimang Olifant indicated that their aim this year was to work harder to improve their marks . Both are looking forward to the rest of the year.

In closing, NCDOE Media Liaison officer Geoffrey Van der Merwe said, “A school represents a beacon of hope in every community; hence it is a place where we prepare learners for success.”

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