LOUIS MOKWENA 1957 – 2023

Own Correspondent

Picture:  Supplied

Galeshewe-born businessman, community activist and bike enthusiast

Malebogo Loius Mokwena  (66) died after a short illness.  The cremation service was held Thursday,19 January in Hartebeesfontein, Gauteng.

The businessman was an unmistakable figure around Kimberley. He was often seen riding his spanking Harley Davidsdon bike decked out in his trade mark pith helmet and leather boots.

Mokwena, started his schooling at the then, St Dominics Primary School, currently St Boniface Early Childhood Development and matriculated from St Boniface Boys High school.

During his gap year, Mokwena briefly taught at Tidimalo Junior Secondary (now named Dr EP Lekhela High School) before he enlisted at the Mangosuthu University of Technology, where he pursued a degree in Civil Engineering.

After that, he enrolled for a Business Management qualification at the University of the Witwatersrand Business School.

Mokwena worked for CMGA Engineering company in Nelspruit. Thereafter he moved back to Kimberley and was appointed Chief Civil Engineer at Sol-Plaatje Municipality.

After some time, back home, he ventured into business, starting with a construction company, followed by other businesses.

According to his sister Ouma Mokobeng a memorial service and requiem mass was held where he was spiritually nourished at St Boniface church in the presence of Mokwena’s troop of bikers.

Kabelo Mokwena described his brother as “a fitness fanatic and very adventurous. He was involved in cycling, long-distance marathons and the bikers club. A staunch member of the St Boniface Catholic Church in Kimberley.   He stayed in Cape Town and then relocated to Hartebeesfontein, where he became part of the Harties Good Shepherd Catholic Church and continued his parish pastoral work.”

Mokwena is survived by his widow, seven children, a brother and a sister.

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