Qualifying dependants of an employee who died on duty can claim for fatal benefits from the Compensation Fund

From the Department of Labou

This was said at a two days’ training scheduled for Organised Labour representatives by the Compensation Fund which is focusing on Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) and Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Act compliance in the work place.

Its main objectives are to provide the Organised Labour representatives with the relevant knowledge, information and capabilities to effectively and efficiently support, educate and guide workers with their claims and other COIDA processes as well as to ensure that occupational injuries are curbed at the workplaces.

The training covers among others, Compensation Claim Processes; Government Employees Pension Fund benefits; Compeasy Demonstrations; Introduction to the Occupational Health and Safety Act; Construction, Explosives & Major Hazards Installations regulations and the Explosives regulations.

Presenting at the session, Mr Paul Nyathela, Assistant Director: Compensation Benefits said these benefits may include Funeral costs, Widow’s lump sum, Pension and Payment to the other dependants if there is no spouse and/or children.

“With regard to the funeral costs, the Fund pays for the actual expenses up to a maximum approved in schedule 4 applicable to claims before and to March 2018. The Funeral benefit paid from 1 April 2018 is at R18 251.00; while the Widow’s lump sum is calculated at 2 X (75% x earnings),” said Nyathela.

Nyathela said with regard to Pension, payment is made to the spouse(s) and children at an approved percentage of the Fund which is (40%:60%) and that Children are paid until they reach the age of eighteen years and can be extended on request for those who are still studying.

He further said Payment to other dependants if there is no spouse(s) and/or child Partial Dependency is paid to parents and or siblings at an approved percentages of the Fund. If the employee’s contribution is lesser than the contribution of the other members combined, the Fund pays Partial Dependency. However, if the employee’s contribution exceeds the contribution of the rest of the family members, the Fund pays a Monthly Pension, due to the fact that the deceased employee was the main contributor.

Nyathela also emphasised that the qualifying dependants for these benefits will be those who are included or covered in the qualifying criteria of the Fund and that due diligence will be done to ensure that the right dependents are paid.



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