Picture: Karabo Siyoko

By Karabo Siyoko

Retlameleng Special School situated in Galeshewe, is a school for learners with physical disabilities, visual and hearing impairments was erected in 1993 with funds donated by the Lions Club, an organisation for people with physical disabilities. The school can accommodate 200 leaners with multi-disability classrooms.

One hundred and twenty learners are registered from grade R to Grade 12 for this years. Thirty-five are blind and the majority are deaf. Each class has five learners and there are 21 educators. Some leaners are housed at Elizabeth Conradie Special School in town and are transported daily, due to lack of hostel facility.

Deputy Principal Lebogang Diutlwileng said there is a waiting list of learners from outside Kimberley who want to enrol at their school but they cannot accept them due to lack of accommodation.

He explained that for a leaner to be admitted at the school, the parent or guardian must go to the Department of Basic Education. The Department will refer the learner to a medical doctor, who will assess the leaner and write recommendation letter. The leaner will be placed at a suitable class if space permits. The school boast with various curriculum. Learners are accepted anytime of the year.

There is a clinic within the school premises for learners with chronic diseases.

One of the highlights of the school is in September, when they observe national casual day. The initiative is also used as a way to raise funds and create awareness for persons with disability.

In an endeavour to empower leaners in other skill then academic the school partnered with BonRo studio, last year and introduced a film club for high school leaners. Learners are taught acting, directing, shooting videos and writting short stories. Through this program, the vision impaired learners were part of the creatives who wrote short stories on braille. They also produced on audio book published by the Department of sports, arts and culture titled “Now You See Me”.

The vision is to transition from academia to a multi-skilled school, specialising in hospitality, welding, beautification and carpentry skills,” added Diutlwileng.

A plea is made to the public to sponsor the school with sports equipment such as soccer boots, t-shirts which could carry the sponsors’ logo, tekkies, tracksuits, caps or balls, to represent the province from 24 to 27 March 2023 at the National Deaf Development championship in Pretoria.

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