Stern warning to employers against hiring undocumented foreign nationals

The Deputy Minister of Employment and Labour, Boitumelo Moloi told employers that the Department has noted with concern that agricultural and mining sector employers are comfortable in employing undocumented foreign nationals.

Moloi was delivering her keynote address to an Employers Session that was held at Kuruman Lodge, in Kuruman today, 25 May 2023.

“There is a misconception that South Africans are lazy, resulting in employers hiring undocumented foreign nationals. This perception is not true. Farm murders are made worse because these undocumented foreign nationals cannot be traced and or found as we do not have their details,” Moloi said.

Moloi told the gathering that the Department is busy with the National Migration Policy which will assist with the regulation of employment of foreign nationals. She called on employers to engage the government.

“We need to talk to each other. You must tell us what you want from our learning institutions. She forewarned employers on the dangers of high level of unemployment among the youth in the country.

She said youth unemployment is a time bomb. “Imagine what will happen if one day, the youth decide to close your workplaces where you employ undocumented foreign nationals? The situation will be terrible,” she said.

The Deputy Minister said that the Department has no intention to penalise undocumented foreign nationals, rather would like to assist them in complying with the laws of the country. She requested them to call the Department if they in doubt or need assistance. Moloi encouraged employers to utilise the Department’s Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) to register their vacancies and use the system to get employees.

Following the meeting with employers, Deputy Minister Moloi went to Mothibistad where she launched a Mobile Employment Centre.

There she told the youths to use the facilities to their advantage and stop paying labour brokers for placements. She warned them against their tendency to choose jobs, looking for higher post jobs as well as using social media platforms to their disadvantage.

Moloi said youth must stop being selective on jobs because they will never know what they are best at until they try it. She further encouraged them to clean their social media platforms as some prospective employers use them for selection.

The event was held in collaboration with other government departments, Sector Education & Training Authorities (SETAs), and the John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality. 2 The Department’s Public Employment Service registered more than 700 jobseekers at the event today and will conclude tomorrow, May 26, 2023 at Thabo Moorosi Multipurpose Centre.


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