Census has mixed results for NC and SPM

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By Thato Mgoma

According to Census 2023 the Northern Cape takes up the largest land area in South Africa but have the least number of people living in the province. however, the population of Sol Plaatje municipality has grown in the past ten years increasing by 47%.

On the Sol Plaatje municipal area population 47.9% of the citizens are male which means majority of the population is female. Should the population ratios continue to be predominantly in favour of females it is likely that the population will increase over the coming years. 

The census further revealed that persons who of a working age ranging from 15-64 years make up the majority of the population while young children between the ages of 0-14 years make up 26.5% of the population.

The present data indicates that there is an improvement on the enrolment to higher education as the number of persons over the age of 20 years who are not schooling has decreased. The overall attendance at educational institutions stands at 71.4%. 

This is a good thing because education helps to eradicate poverty and hunger. The higher the enrolment numbers in educational institutions, the more employable skills are acquired and the basic employment requirements are. This inevitably will result in a decrease in the unemployment rate.

Service delivery by the Sol Plaatje Municipality has improved as compared to ten years ago. There are now more households who have access to flush toilets, piped water and electricity. However, there is still a lot that can be done as only 66.6% of the population have access to piped water.  

The number of households in the municipality’s jurisdiction have also increased to 68 314 with an average household size of 4 people per plot.  The percentage of residents living in formal dwellings stands at 86.1%.

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