By Refilwe Mphirime

Gregory Trevor Taylor resolved to play a role in easing the struggle in his community when he grew up. This after witnessing his unemployed mother raise all 10 of her children under difficult circumstances such as going to school barefoot, sleeping outside due to outstanding rent and sometimes going to bed hungry.

Thanks to a generous neighbor, from Agatha Street, Collville, who used to run a soup kitchen and provide them with meals after school, Taylor has grown into a mature 46-year-old father of six and husband to Emily Taylor.

To curb poverty Gregory started a soup kitchen four years ago in Mahala Parks, Santa Centre, where he resides. “Initially, I reached out to the community three to four times a year, buying food from my pocket,” explained Gregory, who never wants another to go through the hardships he had to endure.

Taylor says he is motivated by the teachings of Jesus, “He did not only teach the people, but he fed them.” He also sustains the soup kitchen with the help of friends and colleagues. “I have three volunteers from the community who help with the cooking. The selfless ladies are Variety Karla, Jo-Ann Ndlovu and Linda Macaties,” he mentions.

To date, Gregory has fed more than 180 individuals and aims to reach more. Due to the great need in the community from August, Gregory says he will be distributing food twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays.

He also plans to teach computer lessons in his community, “In this day and age, we need to be technologically savvy and the children are excited about the program.”

“I would like to thank all those who volunteer with their time and donations. You are not a mistake or a failure. You are precious and loved by the Creator,” said Gregory.

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