By Siphiwe Ngcongco and Karabo Siyoko
Pictures by Rebaone Prophy

In observing October as the International month for the elderly, a non-profit organisation, Fepang Setshaba Soup Kitchen, collaborated with the Department of Tourism and Social Development and took 50 elderly citizens to the Mokala National Park, in Hayfield, approximately 70km outside Kimberley to enjoy the day. According to the founder of Fepang Sechaba and organiser, Rre Mokgoro, the purpose of the trip was to honour the elderly. The NPO was established during the pandemic to eradicate poverty and unemployment and to give hope to elderly citizens.

The day started with a healthy breakfast at the pickup point in Mokgoro Street, the home for Fepang Setjhaba, followed by prayer and after that, the “VIPs” departed by bus for their destination.

Neighbours, friends and family came to cheer and wish them well on their journey. The elders donned their best attire and were excited like little children, with smiles beaming from ear to ear.

Although the road was primarily dusty, on arrival, the excitement grew as the tourists saw a herd of springbok strolling in their home. Park Rangers were up in arms as they drove the tourists around the park and provided insightful information about the flora and fauna in the park.  “It was a beautiful sight to witness the amazement and disbelief in the eyes of some of the tourists as it was the first time they experienced nature’s wonder in person,” exclaimed the Park ranger.  The hosts provided water in between to guard against dehydration and lunch was served.

One of the elderly’s confessed that she had never seen a live giraffe in her entire life. “It is true when they say the giraffe eats at the top of the tree rather than indulging its food at the bottom with parallel animals,” she remarked.

“I joined the organisation because I felt bored and lonely after retirement. Fepang provides a sense of belonging and purpose. I enjoyed the trip; not all of us are privileged to see wild living animals and plants. We only see these in National Geographic channels, and being here with fellow elders makes it worthwhile,” said a jubilant Maide Ndubula.

Besides serving soup, the NPO also organised birthday parties for Centenarians and plans to empower the youth through a partnership with Thetha Seta to assist them in getting their driver’s licenses.

The organisation also intends to host a party for 100 children from disadvantaged backgrounds between the ages of six to ten in November. Furthermore, Fepang Sechaba requests donations to make meaningful input into the lives of community members.

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