African Catholic Church hosts first post-Covid synod

By Karabo Ntanzi

The delayed third provincial synod of the African Catholic Church (AFC) finally took place at ME Goxo Memorial in Warrenton a fortnight ago and resolved to re-evaluate its position post the Covid-19 pandemic. 

South Africa as a country is a province within the AFC hierarchy of churches.  A synod is the church’s highest decision making organ.

Rev Dr Matthews Katjene, spokesperson for the synod, explained that in 2008 the church took a resolution to hold provincial synods every three years.  That period was also used to reconfigure the demarcations. 

That resulted in the church being divided into seven dioceses emanating from 83 parishes in South Africa.  A diocese is a district comprising several different parishes supervised by a Bishop.  A parish is the local congregation of a local church.

According to Katjene the last provincial synod was held in 2017.  The next synod was scheduled to be held 2020.  However, it was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Katjene said in the absence of that synod not taking place other authoritative structures met regularly.  

“The aim of this synod was to revisit where we left off in 2017.  Looking at strategic pillars that the church have been working on.  Also paving a way forward for Vision 2026”, he highlighted.

The synod theme was:  “Let’s meet at the other side” by re-evaluating and re-positioning the church post the pandemic focusing on governance, reviewing policies and making strategic changes.

The synod also focused on the church role post the Covid-19 pandemic.  To be able to meet its obligations versus the congregants’ financial status, family dynamics, spiritual growth and dwindling membership numbers.  This include resources and infrastructure owned by the church as some of them were vandalised during the pandemic.  

 “Covid-19 was a wake-up call for the church.  The church was forced to look at mechanisms of how to care and support its parishioners and communities where they are based.

The provincial synod elected a new leadership by appointing Archdeacon Oscar Molefe as Bishop of Holy Trinity in Mpumalanga.  Bishop Sonwabo Hoyi was elevated to Archbishop of the African Catholic Church while the Reverend Frans Seboelo was chosen as Bishop of Johannesburg.

Two most senior Bishops were retired namely Archbishop His Grace OJ Mathopa who served the church for a solid 51 years.  He is retiring at the ripe old age of 76.  The other was Dean of the Province His Lordship  S.A. Dire after serving the church for 51 years.  He retires at age 75.

The synod ordained two new priests, Reverend Phumi Phago and Reverend Zachariah van Eck.

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