Ballroom dance legend

Isaac David Matlhako Mofokeng, known as “Bra Ike,” was born on 15 July 1943 in Kimberley at Malay Kamp.  He was the firstborn child to Maria Kelebogile Moamogwe and Daniel Mofokeng, who were blessed with five children.  He started schooling at St Boniface Primary until High School.

Although he was a Mosotho, his Sotho was limited.   The energetic Bra Ike walked and talked fast, only spoke English and Afrikaans.

He was a loyal employee who dedicated 50 years of his life to De Beers Consolidated Mines, serving diligently at various departments. He was recalled twice during his retirement to impart his expertise.

A loving husband to Manana Francina Mothobi for 44 years and was blessed with four children.  Bra Ike was affectionately called “Deda” by those close to him.  The couple fostered many children from family members, relatives including ballroom dancers, to the extent of paying school fees and assisted with registration for tertiary institutions.  Deda was a disciplinarian who administered corporal punishment when necessary.  During Lobola negotiations in the family, Deda and Manana were always part of the delegates.  Their responsibilities did not end there; they were often called to mediate and counsel during marriage disagreements.

Bra Ike was good with food; whether it was baking or cooking, his delicious meals were enjoyed by everyone that he dished.

He was a passionate ballroom dancer who could dance, instruct and adjudicate the sport. In the early 1970s, Bra Ike founded “Helping Hand Ballroom Dance Club”.  The club extended to De Aar, Kathu, Britstown, Carnavon, Delport, and Springbok. During the 80s he successfully facilitated the South African Championships Competition to be hosted Kimberly.  Bra Ike coached mentored dance tutors and judges of international caliber.

He made a positive impact in his community; hence, the Sol Plaatje Municipality named a street in Retswele, a township in Kimberely, after him.

He was a staunch Catholic and a member of the Legion of Mary from high school until his death.  He printed prayer booklets for new members.

A skilled administrator served at various executive positions in committees such as  St Boniface Catholic Church, St Boniface High School, Old Boys Union and a Board Member at Radio Teemaneng.

In 1970, he was a shareholder at Kwa Deke General Dealer.

Doctor Letebejane, who directed the funeral proceedings, testified that Bra Ike spotted his Program Directing talent.  He reminisced about the first time Bra Ike tasked him with that responsibility.

Isaac David Matlhako Mofokeng is survived by his wife Manana, daughter Lorato Makweya, son, Khotso and grandchildren.

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