Celebrating Africa Day in the heart of Galeshewe

Thato Mgoma

In celebrating Africa Day, Dikabo Tse Ntle Arts and Music Promotions launched Morethetho Traditional Dance Festival to celebrate Africa Day on 25 May.

The open space in front of Botsang Street Galeshewe was transformed into a spectacular view.

Africa Day is commemorated to mark the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) on 25 May 1963.

Ten Traditional Dance groups from Galeshewe with peers from other parts of the province took this opportunity to showcase their talent.  Community members

came to admire the beauty of African culture.  They were ululating, singing along to popular choruses and mimicking the dance moves.

Artists came from neighbouring communities like Barkley West, Warrenton, Jan Kempdorp and Namakwa.  The main attraction for the day was a comedian from Botswana popularly known as “Bisto”  his performance “Rra Dijo” left the audience laughing hysterically.

Artists performing other genres also shared their talent.   Indeed it was a joyous occasion with some members of the audience dressed in their traditional attires although others did not adhere to the dress code, everybody had a blast!

Charles Ikaneng, founder of the festival, was elated to see his dream become a reality.  “I promise, next year cars will not be able to pass here, this area is going to be the signature of this event

.  This is an achievement because this started as a dream. The dream has now found expression. I can put bread on my fellow artist’s tables,” he said.

The food complemented the theme.  Meat and samp were

cooked from three-legged pots in the open fire outside.  Washed down with traditional sorghum beer and non-alcoholic ginger beer.  Just like in the olden days everything was served for free.

Bofelo Mphasi(12) from Rolihlahla Intermediate School in Warrenton said she was very proud of their performance given that they only started practicing a few days before the festival. “I would also like to encourage other kids to embrace their culture and talents by taking part in such activities.”

Tshiamo Hendricks(13) also shared the same sentiments and advised other children to also join their drama club as they learn a lot about topics like LGBTQI, Gender-Based Violence and expressing feelings, just to name a few.

The name of the festival is Morethetho Traditional Dance Festival, “Moretheto” is a Tswana word meaning “rhythm”.




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