Civil Society calls for Police to arrest a high ranking Police Officer for alleged rape


Calls for police to arrest a high ranking 46 year old police officer for alleged rape in the Northern Cape are mounting.

The SAPS Lt Colonel who is attached to the Kimberley Flying Squad allegedly raped a 15 year
old grade 9 learner in De Aar. The alleged rape is said to have taken place on 2 August, however
a case was opened only on 12 August. Following the registration of the case the Colonel is yet to
be arrested.

The matter was referred to IPID as it involves a police officer.  Community based organisations,
and civil based organisations want the police to act. They have accused the SAPS of protecting
one of their own. The Pixley Ka Seme Civil Society Movement has called on the SAPS in the
province to show that they are against GBVF. The chairperson of the movement Sthembele Reed
said they are mobilizing the community for a march. We are mobilizing the community to march to the police station. We want to put pressure on the SAPS to act decisively on the matter. We feel that they are protecting their officer because if they were serious they should have arrested him after the case was opened,"said Reed.

Reed told this publication that the alleged rape victim is living in fear after relatives of the suspect
approached her to drop case.
Police union South African Police Union has also weighed in calling for the immediate suspension
of the Colonel.

In it’s statement SAPU said: “As the union we want the SAPS to do what is right to ensure they
follow processes that they would normally do if any ranking member is implicated. We have seen
how the employer is dragging its feet in ensuring processes are implemented.”

The Northern Cape police management has reportedly condemned the alleged rape incident saying no police officer is above the law.

Meanwhile Independent Police Investigative Directorate spokesperson Phaladi Shuping says
Investigation is continuing.

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