Convicted murderer  receives three (3) life sentences  for triple murder

On 03 February 2023,  Sandile Vaaiboom (35) was handed down three life sentences in the  Kimberley High Court  for 3 counts of murder and 5 years each for 2 counts of malicious damage to property.

The accused was on trial for fatally stabbing and killing 3 family members namely  Petrus Vaaiboom (64), Kerileng Kgatlane (54) and Vuyisile Vaaiboom (45) who was a member of the South African Police Service in Delportshoop.

It was reported that on  19 March 2022, the accused not only committed  murder but also broke into a house and damaged a vehicle’s windows in order to gain access to the deceased.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS  in the Northern Cape, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola welcomed this outstanding life sentences that was secured by the Investigating officer, D/Sgt Raphael Khoboko. She commended the members for the meticulous and professional investigation  that led to the incarceration of the accused and also indicated that perpetrators of GBV and Femicide will feel the full might of the law.




Sergeant Timothy Sam

Galeshewe Communications

082 782 0752

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