De Beers plays its part

28 August 2020

By Ebonga Ndeya

In an effort to conform to one of their values, ‘Show We Care’, the De Beers Group in Kimberley has partnered with the Northern Cape government to alleviate some of the burden caused by the national lockdown period due to the Coronavirus.

The company has collaborated with the Department of Social Development, Department of Health and two local municipalities namely, Nama-Khoi and Sol Plaatje Municipality. According to De Beers, Corporate Affairs Manager, Abel Madonsela, the two selected municipalities were chosen on the basis that the company runs its business within those regions.

The aim of the initiative is to sustain communities since food security has been a problem lately.

De Beers provided 5100 food parcels so far, to exposed communities in the two municipalities.  Madonsela explained that ‘the food parcels were received by the HOD for Social Development Department and the Executive Mayor of the Nama-Khoi local Municipality in Springbok.

The former MEC for Health, Martha Bartlett joined De Beers Group in distributing the food parcels in Kimberley.  She thanked the company for the support to bring relief for the local communities.’ Furthermore, Madonsela said that a representative from each organization was present during the rolling out of the food parcels.

De Beers donated 36 Jojo water tanks, to provide clean water and sanitation, ensuring that community members wash their hands regularly to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  De Beers Madonsela said, ‘without sufficient access to clean water, the infection rate is higher.

The company also assists 11 clinics with in the Nama-Khoi and Sol Plaatje Municipality,  by providing a three-months supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), facilitating training of healthcare workers, supports screening in high density areas and provides medical supplies such as disposable gowns, surgical masks, examination gloves, scrubs, goggles and thermometers.

 ‘As De Beers Group, we recognise the important role that we play in our host communities, not just from a socioeconomic perspective, but also the provision of a number of vital services.’ said Madonsela.

Government officials were unavailable for comment at the time of printing this publication.

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