Story by:  Lebogang Mokae

MEC for Health, Maruping Lekwene announced the appointment of over 1200 members from various communities across the Province to serve in health governance structures.  Representing 223 public health facilities comprising of 130 primary healthcare facilities, 14 hospitals, 33 community healthcare centres and 46 satellites in the Northern Cape.

The newly elected board members are from community structures, organised sectors, NGO’s and Churches symbolising diversity in the areas that are served by the health establishments.

To ensure efficiency and fully effectiveness, induction and orientation sessions will be held for all new board members starting with ZF Mgcawu district on Thursday, 25 May 2023.

Training will concentrate on building community health activists who are knowledgeable on both substantive and procedural issues related to public health issues.

Expectations for governance structures to assist in making communities aware that they should first present themselves at community clinics and avoid self-referrals to the hospitals. This intends to decongest hospitals and reduce patients waiting times at the health facilities.

“The formation of these structures is to enhance community participation, strengthen advocacy in health matters, monitor and evaluate service delivery.  This will also  address identified gaps and challenges impeding on the delivery of health services to communities across the Province”, said Lekwene.

Lekwene referred to The South African National Health Act, No. 61 of 2003 framework as it provides a framework for public accountability through community involvement in health issues, through hospital boards and clinic communities.

Section 42 of this Act requires these committees to include; one or more local government councillors, one or more members of the community served by the health facility and the head of the health facility.

“I take this opportunity to convey special gratitude to the out-gone hospital boards and clinic committee members for their outstanding service, dedication and resilience towards health service delivery to communities. From the bottom of our hearts, we say THANK YOU!”, proclaimed Lekwene.


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