Election wave, excitement as votes are cast

By Palesa Mofoti

The country geared into election mood as citizens stood in ques to cast their votes on Wednesday.

The voting stations were filled with excitement as citizens were preparing to cast their votes.  According to the Independent Electoral Commission, 655 000 people registered to vote in the Northern Cape with 730 voting stations across the province.

Roma Nna spoke to voters in Kimberley.

Gogo Margaret Poha (80) who was assisted by her grandchild cast her vote with a smile, early in the morning at Letshego Primary School.

Paul Selabe said: “The number of parties I have seen too many and frankly, I don’t see any difference in them. However, I would love for whichever party wins to create jobs for the youth and increase old age grants”.

Dineo Hammer a first-time voter said: “As a first-time voter, this wasn’t a long procedure, but I feel good that I have cast my vote, because I get to say I contributed to something at least. These elections mean change for us and our children. I am hoping that the government creates jobs for the youth”.

Chamilla Esterhuizen also a fellow first-time voter stated, “As a first-time voter, I was so confused when I got in the voting booth, I didn’t know what to do. But I hope the party I voted for brings change and ends the scourge of unemployment”.

Many of the voters were crying about youth unemployment and all sang the same tune “Job creation for the youth”

Cecil Setlogelo regional organizer of the uMkhonto We Sizwe said: “Our hope for MK is that we win this election by two-thirds majority so that we can change the constitution, a constitution that favours a certain group of people, more especially the whites. So we want to have a customary constitution that will favour us African people”.

Prince Setlogelo, branch chairperson of the Economic Freedom (EFF) political party in Sol Plaatje region ward 5, said: “The feeling of the election since 7 am has been good, as the Eff, we are filled with a lot of excitement. We hope that the EFF emerges victorious so that we can change the social injustices of this country as a whole”.



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