Karabo Ntanzi

The partnership between the Department of Public Works and the Department of Higher Education’s Community Education and Training College launched a groundbreaking initiative for female EPWP participants in the Frances Baard District.

The partnership will afford more than three hundred women from Frances Baard District an opportunity to complete their matric, paving the way for sustainable employment.

Authorities said the programme would also enhance various skills for the beneficiaries, including computer skills, job opportunities and career development pathways for beneficiaries.

Northern Cape Roads and Public Works MEC Fufe Makatong said the skills that beneficiaries will receive through this programme, will create job opportunities for them.

“We are a coordinating body of EPWP in the province.  As the department, we will tap on the available resources to empower our beneficiaries.  We want to see them absorbed as workers; hence, we need to increase their education level.  I am happy that this dream has been achieved.  We intend to extend this opportunity to other districts.  The minimum requirement for government employment is Grade 9.  If you fail to take this opportunity, you will stay where you are for the rest of your life”, she said.

Makatong explained that the initiative comes at a significant time, during the Integrated Public Servants Month, launched by Premier, Dr. Zamani Saul and Minister of Public Service and Administration, Inkosi Mzamo Buthelezi.

“On behalf of the Department of Roads and Public Works, I want to thank the Department of Higher Education and the Northern Cape Community Education and Training College for partnering with us in this vital project.  Together, we are offering our EPWP beneficiaries an invaluable opportunity to complete their matric.  A stepping stone to tapping into opening doors for sustainable employment and personal growth, self-sufficiency and empowerment.

The Community Education and Training College explained that the second chance matric programme is designed to provide support to participants who still need to meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate.

Community Education and Training College Deputy Principal Joseph Mandiwana said the programme also offers Grade 9, Abet level four to those who can read and write with no formal schooling.

“We are excited to launch this programme with the department as it will benefit those who want occupational skills.  We have occupational skills programme that will empower our participants with skills like baking, computing and also senior certificate,” he said.

The College said the programme would also be available to EPWP participants in the other four Northern Cape districts.



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