By Staff Reporter

The MEC for Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform, Mase Manopole, has welcomed the conviction of four poachers, who were arrested for stealing endangered and protected Halfmens trees in the |Ai|Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park (ARTP) in the Northern Cape.

The perpetrators were arrested by a multi-sectoral team comprising of members of the Ranger Corp, assisted by the Botanical Team, our Department and South African Police Services, when they were trying to steal endangered and protected halfmens trees (also known as Pachypodium namaquanum or elephant’s trunk) in the park in the year 2020.

The four perpetrators were sentenced and convicted on Thursday, 21 April 2022, to seven years for charges relating to poaching of succulent plants which are protected by the National Environmental Management Act and Trespassing in a National Park.

The removal and permanent damage of the 14 Pachypodium Namaquanum is one of the worst cases in the history of the Richtersveld National Park, due to the significant cultural, tourism and natural value of the plants. Due to the sensitivity of the species, they will not be able to be rehabilitated into their natural habitat and this will have a negative impact on the specific population.

The species are of great value, and are seen as a valuable asset to the ARTP, which is the only national park in South Africa where the species are being conserved. All plants in the Northern Cape Province are protected and a permit is needed to remove, transport or possess them.

“We welcome the conviction because on its own, it will send a message out there that as the Provincial Government, we are serious about the conservation of our succulent plants. The conviction will further send a warning to all poachers that we won’t rest until all of them are behind bars. Poaching of succulent plants is a serious offence and we will not tolerate this type of poaching from anyone,” said MEC Manopole.

The Richtersveld National Park (part of the ARTP) is a contractual park, managed jointly by the local community board called the ‘RGBK’ and SANParks. It is the only national park where the community is allowed to live and farm within a national park.

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