The Gender Based Violence and Femicide activists in the Northern Cape have critisised a 29-year-old woman who allegedly withdrew assault cases against her husband.

The woman who posted explosive revelations of abuse against her spouse on social media opened a case of assault in November last year. She again opened a case in January.

In her post, she complained about the justice system cluster for failing to arrest her abusive husband.  She included pictures of her bruised face on social media.  This revelation angered social media users who called for the police to arrest the perpetrator.

The husband was only arrested in May following an alleged rape and assault incident on 9 May.

The Northern Cape Police and the National Prosecuting Authority confirm that rape, attempted murder and assault cases were investigated and the suspect was arrested, he appeared in the Kimberley Magistrate Court on 4 June. The accused was released on bail and case was postponed to July 4.

Northern Cape Police spokesperson Timothy Sam said:  “The police in Kimberley are investigating a rape and attempted murder case following the rape and assault of a 29-year-old female victim in Kimberley.  The case was opened on Thursday, 09 May 2024. Preliminary investigations indicate that the accused allegedly assaulted and raped the victim (his wife) and was subsequently arrested.  The case is currently on the Court roll and investigations are at an advanced stage.”

The NPA also confirmed the appearance of the suspect but the man’s wife did not oppose bail for personal reasons.

The prosecution also confirmed that the victim had already withdrawn two cases against her husband.

This has angered the GBVF activists and organisations in the province.

Fatima Malo, Chairperson for Moral Regeneration and GBVF activist said:  “We are disappointed in the decision that was made by the victim to withdraw the GBVF charges against her partner. We are also not happy with the NPA for granting bail, regardless of the law that President Ramaphosa implemented a few months ago, that no bail must be granted to all GBVF cases. I believe that all GBVF activists are deeply disappointed with this news.”

” It makes our efforts worthless, and it is discouraging to know that we fight for victims who choose an abusive life rather than ending this brutality in our country. If the perpetrator abuses or worse kill her, “God forbid” what will be expected from us as a Movement and from all these hard-working men and women who have sleepless nights fighting this pandemic?  We urge and plead with all victims to work with us and allow justice to take its course. Ours is to prevent another death in our society. “One death, one abuse, too many,” said Malo.

Another GBVF activist Gregory Nyongane also weighed in saying it’s a Schedule 5 case and the state can pursue cases despite withdrawal from the victim.


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