Granny’s collapsed toilet

By Karabo Ntanzi

Mme Dimakatso Molahlehi, aged 68, has been stripped off her right to dignity when two sides of her toilet walls collapsed with her inside.  The incident took place in November 2020. However, Molahlehi, who hails from Stock and Stock, struggles to get assistance from the Solplaatje Municipality.

The family’s ordeal started in 2006 while her grand-daughter was busy in the toilet when the wind blew the roof, almost injuring her.  The restroom had since deteriorated until 2020 when two walls fell apart with Mme Dimakatso inside.

The granny has sought help from ward councilors since 2006. Two councilors served their term, but she is still without service.  According to Mme Molahlehi, the current councilor did not even bother to come and inspect the toilet. Instead, he sent a message that she must rebuild the loo herself as it was not the municipality’s responsibility.

The Molahlehi’s who falls into the indigent category have no source of income.  The family of five, consisting of three grand-children and her 37-year old unemployed daughter, Sisi Molahlehi, survive with social grants only.

The water bill is over R36 000,00 because of the running water in the toilet.  The loo does not have a separate stop-kran to prevent water from running in the disused lavatory; there is only one stop-kran next to the meter box.  Mme Molahlehi often receives letters from the Municipality threatening to block her electricity due to the enormous account.

Adding to the family’s woes, there is no earth leakage in the house due to the malfunctioning electricity box. However, the meter box is working very well and the family can buy and load electricity.    “When it rains or whenever the wind is too strong, fire sparks are coming from the electricity box. We take turns to guard the box in case the house catches fire,” explained Sisi.

The house roof is also leaking.  “Water is sipping in, in the sitting room, bedrooms and kitchen.  We cannot sleep during the rainy season because we have to move furniture around and put up buckets to collect water,” said the distraught granny.

The neighbours are growing weary of the family’s request to use their toilets.  The family’s only option is to use the public toilets at the nearby Riemvasmaak.  Sisi narrated that one morning around 4am, she saw a group of young men passing while she was in the public toilet, which left her feeling vulnerable.


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