Kimberley’s NPO raise funds for Palestinians


Karabo Ntanzi

Kimberley’s Humanitarian Organisation, Every Drop Counts, vows to assist Palestinians. The Non-Profit organization recently sold vetkoek and mince to help Palestinians with necessities, including food.

A mural was also unveiled during the event to pay homage to the people of Palestine who died during the conflict.

Thousands of Palestinians have lost their lives while some are homeless following an armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups around the Gaza Strip since October last year.

On that day, Hamas launched a surprise attack against Israel. Israel has also claimed the killing of its citizens and soldiers. Every Drop Counts’ chairperson, Ismail Obaray, says they hope to raise more funds to aid the Palestinians, “The people of Kimberley have come out to support the people of Palestine. We managed to host a successful fundraising event last year in December, where we raised three hundred thousand rands. The accumulated funds were delivered to Palestine through Gift of the Givers.”

“This is a humanitarian project for the people of Palestine, especially women and children,” he said.

Obaray explained that plans are afoot to organize a major fundraising event this year. Political parties, including EFF, alliance partners Cosatu, ANC, and the SACP, delivered messages of support.

Norman Shushu said the West must not turn a blind eye to atrocities happening in Gaza, “The ball is in the court of imperialist forces who support the killing and suppression of the Palestinians. We must continue intensifying our efforts to ensure Palestine is free from the river to the sea.”

Last week, the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel must ensure it prevents genocide in Gaza.

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