Local businessman empowers community

By Olebogeng Molale

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many people around the country, however, businessman Sizwe Mayekiso has taken advantage of this situation to educate communities about business and financial management.

To date, two sessions were held at the Grace to you Ministries church in Rhabe Street Galeshewe. Residents were given lessons on savings, lending and insurance.

Over fifty participants from different sections in Galeshewe attended the meetings. The sessions were divided into two to comply with the covid 19 regulations.

The workshop only takes a day and participants are issued certificates of attendance.

Sizwe Mayekiso is a skilled facilitator with a Diploma in Theology. He has a passion for empowering and developing the youth.

“My desire is to see a change in the community with regards to how people spend their hard-earned money. I have noticed that there is limited or no knowledge about debt management. This is the reason why many people end up with depression and other mental illnesses because they cannot manage their finances,” says Mayekiso.

The skilled facilitator defines financial literacy as, “Having a basic grasp of money matters and four fundamental pillars namely: debt, budgeting, saving, and investing. It is understanding how to build wealth throughout one’s life by leveraging the power of these pillars.”

“Simply put,” he adds, “financial literacy is the difference between living from pay cheque to pay cheque and being able to afford the things you want and need. Which makes it an essential skill to possess.”

Mayekiso has trained over 5000 people in the Northern and Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Limpopo. He was a finalist in the Northern Cape community builder of the year competition in 2008.

He runs the business with his wife, who holds the fort whenever he is away on business. The couple runs the business from their own pocket and welcome financial assistance from donors.

A community member who attended the training on 16 February, Victor Bosman, said he learned a lot from the training session.

“It has been a struggle trying to save money, but from now on I am going to implement what I was taught,” added Bosman.

Mayekiso says more training sessions will occur around the province, where he will be training the youth on financial management.
Mayekiso is also into marketing and branding, events management, decor and Catering.

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