Momentum Supporting Women in Sports

Karabo Ntanzi

In its endeavor to promote women in sports, Momentum Brand took the initiative to sponsor the Women Proteas Cricket team, a relationship that spanned over a decade.

Roma Nna spoke to Mammelo Masote, Public Relations Manager for Momentum Brand, explained the role and the decision to sponsor women in sports. The interview took place at a cricket match between Sri Lanka and the Proteas on 13 April 2024 At the Diamond Oval in Kimberley.

“We have been sponsoring the Proteas for about ten years. The motivation is that women’s sports are severely under-represented in the media and sponsorship. That’s what inspired Momentum to continue its journey with the Proteas,” she said.

According to Masote, Momentum’s collaboration with the South African women’s team goes beyond financial support. They also provide opportunities such as mentorship and training.

“Momentum is interested in working with them in terms of helping them build their brands. We once organized a summit presented by a Professor from Harvard, Anita Elverser, who has worked with great people like Serena Williams and David Beckham. Elverser taught them how to build their brand; attract sponsorships, and be a sponsorship-friendly sports player. Soft skills we don’t necessarily teach.” explained the PR Manager.

“We also spoke about managing money because a sporting career is short. The conversations were able to help them get that financial support they need for a career as unique as theirs,” she added.

Regarding Momentum’s long-term goals and how it impacts sponsorship efforts, Masote said, “Our brand is all about enabling success. We want the Protea’s to be successful and visible. They made us proud even though they didn’t win, and we supported them throughout the campaign. Helping them generate more viewers to attract sponsorships is our goal.”

Momentum started a summit, ‘Women who make moves in sports,’ which assembles women in sports and teaches them how to become brands. The focus is on narrowing the gender gap.

“Younger kids, especially women who want to do sports as a profession, should be taken seriously, so more people should invest their time watching and supporting them. This will help them with sponsorship money and create opportunities for younger kids coming up,” urged Masote.

Her parting message to fans, “Support women in sports, keep watching, it’s an important movement. Become that one fan that makes a difference in someone’s life.”

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