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The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in the Northern Cape, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, and her Management and members from the Provincial Components, the office of the District Commissioner of Frances Baard and stations within the greater Kimberley as well local pastors and community members converged for the Provincial Prayer Day Service in Galeshewe, Kimberley on Friday , 29 September 2023.

The prayer service was held at the Assemblies of God Church in Galeshewe and commenced at 10:00. Brigadier Charlotte Makgari, the Acting District Commander of Frances Baard officially welcomed all attendees to the blessed event.

The Police Prayer Day Service is an annual event, held nationally during the month of September, that has been declared as Police Safety month since 2011.

The SAPS Drill Platoon marched in the streets of Galeshewe to the church, creating awareness and excitement prior to the prayer service.

The event was held in simultaneously with the SAPS Head Office and other provinces.

District in the province held their prayer services prior to the Provincial service today.

Police Safety Month also encompasses Commemoration Day where the organization and the country, remembers and pays tribute to the members of the SAPS who lost their lives in the line of duty in the previous financial year.

The theme for today’s event was _”Let your requests be made known into God”_ which is taken from the book of Phillipians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.

During the service, attending pastors and reverends from various denominations prayed for Police Killings, Mental Illness and well-being, Gender-based Violence and Management of the SAPS in the Northern Cape.

The much-needed and beneficial sermon was led by Pastor Marion Ndjavera, who is the resident and senior minister of the Assembly of God Church who hosted the event in their chuch. He emphasized that we need the armour of prayer to protect us in any situation.

The Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Otola, who was the Keynote Speaker, also lit a candle in remembrance of our members who fell in the line of duty.

In her address, she urged the officers and members of the community to work together so that they can bring an end to the police killings.

“Criminals are our brothers, sisters and neighbours. You must remember that harbouring them is a criminal offence that comes with its own consequences.” She also spoke strongly to the members and encouraged them to prioritise their safety by wearing their bullet-proof vests, look after one another and use their tools of trade in a responsible manner.

Brigadier Nicholas Mtongana, who is the Station Commander of Kimberley Police Station, delivered the vote of thanks.

The programme was facilitated by Chaplain Paul Volgraff who brought the attendees to their feet by leading with prayer and worship songs accompanied by the SAPS.

Issued by

Lt Colonel TC Litabe

Internal Communication

082 494 87

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