Observing Reproductive Health Week.

By the Dept of Health

Pregnancy Awareness Week is commemorated in February this year from 10-19. The aim is to strengthen pregnancy education, highlighting important issues that will promote a healthy pregnancy, safe motherhood and early booking at a health facility.

The theme for this year is: “Equalise to Eliminate Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Teenage Pregnancy”. 

Pregnant women should visit their closest health facility as soon as they suspect that they may be expecting.  

Early antenatal care attendance is important so ensure that the following services can be accessed:

  • confirmation of a pregnancy.
  • the opportunity to screen for any existing medical conditions that will need treatment and that can have an impact on the pregnancy such as hypertension, diabetes, infections and anaemia (iron deficiency).
  • free HIV counselling and testing (HCT) and HIV treatment.
  • early recognition of danger signs in pregnancy. 
  • to provide education to the expectant mother on health issues, breastfeeding, delivery and care.
  • assessment of her nutritional status and support to ensure that she eats healthy. 
  • information to the partner and the family on support they can provide to the mother during her pregnancy and after birth.

Teenage pregnancies (aged 10–19 years) have a higher risk pregnancies because their bodies are still developing. They need more support during pregnancy and after birth due to the high risk of low birth weight and preterm birth.  

Pregnant women have the right to be treated with respect, dignity and confidentiality. To ask questions and to get explanation about their condition.  She also has the right to choose her companion who will provide her with support during pregnancy and childbirth.

Nutrition plays a huge role in a healthy pregnancy and a positive birth outcome.

A balanced diet according to the accepted healthy eating guidelines is the optimum nutritional route to support a healthy pregnancy.

A dietitian/nutritionist can provide education and support on healthy eating during pregnancy.

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