Deputy Minister of Social Development, Mme Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, commemorated the International Day of Families in Platfontein, a San community in Francis Baard District. This also demonstrated the government’s commitment to providing essential social development services to local families.

Chief K. Mokua of the Khwe Tribe warmly welcomed all dignitaries and community members celebrating the International Day of Families, stating, “On this day, let us be reminded to look after each other, for unity is the way forward in strengthening families.”

The Platfontein Xu! and Khwe tribes of the San Community are marginalized groups who have faced displacement and testify to families’ resilience amidst demographic change. “As we observe the International Day of Families under the theme, ‘Demographic Change and its Impact on Families,’ it is crucial to ensure that cultural preservation and family unity remain steadfast, even in the face of demographic transitions,” said Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu.

During her visit, Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu had the privilege of engaging with the Xu! and Khwe tribes. She attentively listened to their concerns and witnessed the impact of government services on the lives of those in need. This invaluable interaction reinforced the importance of continuous support and resources to nurture families.

The Department of Social Development emphasized the government’s importance in effectively adapting policies and services to support families in an ever-evolving societal landscape.

Also, according to Social Development, The decline in fertility rates has empowered families to invest more in their children’s education and healthcare, which leads to poverty reduction and enhanced socio-economic development. Notably, the Child Support Grant (CSG) has played a pivotal role by providing substantial benefits beyond sustaining families.

Research indicates that recipients of the CSG, particularly children, are more likely to avoid risky behavior such as substance abuse and instead engage in healthier life choices.

Vanesia Van Wyk* (14 years old from Platfontein) said: “I am outraged. We do not receive the services we are supposed to receive. Our families continue to pay school fees even though we are poor. Where is the free education we were promised?”

Martin Modise* (16 years old) added: “We do not have Identity Documents and certificates because it is difficult to get these services. The reason for school absenteeism is because parents are unemployed and cannot afford basic things such as winter uniforms and food.”

In response, the Deputy Minister of Social Development noted the frustration expressed by the Platfontein children and committed to ensuring they receive access to services.

“It cannot be that we acknowledge that the Xu! and the Khwe tribes are the poorest of the poor but expect them to pay for school fees and uniforms. The Department of Social Development and its entity SASSA will prioritize these children and ensure that they receive the necessary support and that their rights are respected,” assured the Deputy Minister.

Bogopane-Zulu emphasized the urgent need to address the issue of Platfontein children not being educated in their languages at school, as this hinders their self-determination and inclusivity in their community.

She called for the expedited recognition of the Xu! and Khwe chieftaincies to ensure their full integration into traditional house leadership.

This visit also showcased the collective efforts of various government entities in providing integrated support services. The collaboration between the Department of Social Development, Department of Home Affairs, Department of Health, South African Police Services, Department of Education, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South African Human Rights, Northern Cape House of Traditional Leaders, and the National House of Khoisan leaders has proven instrumental in fortifying families and livelihoods.

* *Not their real names*


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