Thato Mgoma

The pledge signing ceremony for the 2024 general election was held at Flamingo Casino in Kimberley on 18 April 2024 under the watchful eye of The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC).

Thirty-four (34) representatives of political parties and independent candidates from Northern Cape, pledged to adhere to the rules of the code of conduct.

The year 2024 marks exactly thirty years since democracy has been bestowed on South Africans.

According to the commission, signing the code of conduct means that one concedes that democracy is for all and every political party is free to canvas support without the fear of being in danger. This freedom does not only apply to political parties and independent candidates but also the voters, allowing them to hear different political opinions leading to an informed decision.

All the representatives that signed the code of conduct acknowledged that is it mandatory for them to observe all the provisions of the Electoral Commission as it is mandated to ensure that the elections are free and fair.

IEC Chairperson, Commissioner Mosotho Moepya said that adhering to the constitution shows a sign of respect. Violation of the code of conduct nullifies the purpose of signing it. The commissioner also spoke against violence during the election period.

“Elections are a contest with rules and rules that work for all of us. We must ensure that they are peaceful. Elections are a celebration, they must be vibrant and not violent” said Moepya.

The Electoral Commission reminded this year’s participants that democracy did not come for free and therefore it should be treasured. The commissioner further said that they addressed the people with a sense of immense pride and humility, knowing that their job is to ensure that the 2024 elections remain as credible as those of the past years.

The contestants further committed to inform other candidates in their political parties about the code of conduct and to contest in a manner that would promote a culture of tolerance towards other political parties. They also promised not to act in a way that provokes either political parties or supporters that will lead them to commit acts of intolerance.


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