Rev Mark Mareko Makhele

The funeral service for Rev Mark Mareko Makhele was held at the United Congregational Church of South Africa in Tyala Street, Kimberley.  Strict Covid-19 protocols were observed, which saw an overflow of mourners sitting outside the church.

Mark was born on 9 March 1975 in Kimberley. He was the third son of seven children to Molapo and Norlean Makhele.  He schooled at Letshego Lower Primary, Greenpoint Higher Primary, Emmang Mmogo Comprehensive and matriculated at Masianokeng High Mazenod in Lesotho.  He has a National Diploma in Theology from RR Write Theology College. Mark Mareko graduated in 2007.

He started working at the Department of Tourism, Environment and Nature Conservation, now known as Department of Environment and Nature Conservations, since 1 September 2006 until his death.

Mark loved singing, and was a warm and gentle soul who adored his family and touched many lives.  When asked how he was doing, his famous response was always one of three. “I’m blessed”, or “Yes, Jesus loves me I know” or “This is the day the Lord has made,” he would proudly respond through his larger than life frame.

The date 3 October is a significant date for the deceased’, the day he was laid to rest.  The church where he worshipped from, Isaac Hugh was inaugurated on that day in 1957.  Mark had planned a surprise birthday party for his wife, Joyce, whom he affectionately called his Queen.  The two have been married since 2007 and are blessed with two boys Tsebo and Mosa.  29 September was the first time Tsebo celebrated his birthday without his father.

In their tribute Mosa and Tsebo said, “Memories are golden, but we do not want memories we want you.  No one will replace you in our hearts”.

According to the family spokesperson, Mark was like a father to all. He knew them all and attended all family gatherings.  The spokesperson made a plea to the Makhele clan not to abandon the children and their mother.

Representatives from structures within the UCCSA spoke highly of the excellent work he did for the church. They remembered that his involvement in the ANC had prevented him from occupying a strategic position in the church and his ordination despite graduating from an institution that was not accredited by UCCSA.  They raved about his administrative ability and meticulously written reports.

Mark was instrumental in the restoration of Galeshewe Ministry Fraternal (Gamifra) in 2013, an organisation that caters for different churches in Galeshewe.  He was the Chairperson since its’ inception, until his last day on earth.

In his condolence message, Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana, Secretary for the South African Council of Churches, applauded Mark for dedicating his time to the church and the work he did for SACC.

The funeral was attended by UCCSA circuits from the province and Free State, Provincial MEC’s, current Northern Cape first lady Topsy Saul and men and women of cloth from different denominations.

Rev Mark Mareko Makhele is survived by his wife, three children and his parents.  Two brothers and a sister preceded him.


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