SAPS’ anti crime ops remain vigilant

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The South African Police’s (SAPS) anti crime drive “Operation Shanela” a multi-disciplinary, high density exercise has yielded positive results and will be retained for some time to stabilize crime.

Police said the special operation’s positive spinoffs were evident in the operational successes achieved during intensified exercises across the province from the beginning of September this year. “The operation sharply focussed on the reduction of contact and violent crimes in hotspots which netted a multitude of successes”.

The police actions executed during the operations included, vehicle check points (VCP’s), stop and searches, foot and vehicle patrols, compliance inspections, drugs and other commodities smuggling and tracing operations by detectives.

Twenty Eight (28) VCP’s and Seven (07) roadblocks were held across the province during which 2855 vehicles and 4141 persons were stopped and searched.

SAPS said 374 compliance inspections were conducted at second-hand dealers, firearm dealers, liquor premises, formal and informal businesses as well as mines.

In all 78 suspects were arrested for crimes ranging from murder, attempted murder, robbery, assault, burglary, theft out of motor vehicle dealing and possession of drugs, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and illegal possession of firearms.

Police actions also resulted in the confiscation alcoholic beverages and numerous dangerous weapons that could have had dire consequences if not nipped in the bud.

In the Namakwa district police dug out drugs and discovered some illicit items stashed in vehicle tyres which upon discovery led to the arrest of the car’s occupants.

The Provincial Commissioner of the Northern Cape, Lt General Koliswa Otola indicated that crime and violence placed a heavy burden on the criminal justice system as well as healthcare system and state expenditure.

“These operational successes limits the negative effects and the destructive impact of crime and therefore encourages the women and men in blue, communities as well as all stakeholders to keep on holding each other’s hand in ensuring a safe and secure Northern Cape”.

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