SAPS promotes child protection awareness


The SAPS Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences units in the Frances Baard District, accompanied by the SAPS Sector Policing, Community Police Forum, Social Crime Prevention and the Safety Participants from the Department of Transport Safety and Liaison, as well as Department of Social Development visited schools in Pampierstad, Galeshewe, Barkly West and Kimberley between 20 and  22 May 2024.

The team addressed more than 3000 grade 4 to 6 learners regarding general bullying, cyberbullying, sexual offences, teenage pregnancy, dangerous weapons, substance abuse, and school discipline.

The learners were warned about speaking to and accepting lifts from strangers and also alerted them about the dangers of using public transport alone.

They were reminded of their right to be protected, treated with dignity, not to be human-trafficked, to be able to go to school, to be cared for and not to be treated cruelly.

The learners were encouraged to not keep secrets about abuse and to report it to a caregiver, parent, teacher, family member or police.

Information about recent crimes such as indecent exposure at school and on social media was shared, as well as the consequences thereof.

The children were reminded to protect and respect their bodies and that of others.

The learners were also gifted with coloring books, pencil cases, book markers, and safety hint flyers.

The campaign forms part of the SAPS recognizing Child Protection Month, under the theme “Protecting South African Children,30 years on”.

If you want to report a crime call 08600 10111. You can also call Childline for help on 0800 0555 55. Caring communities protect children.

“If you see something,  say something!”.

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