By Thabo Mothibi

The African National Congress in the Northern Cape has noted the alarming crime incidents
under investigation and before our courts of law.

We wish to flag and reflect upon three that have been in the public domain in the recent while:
Urging The Public To Provide Police With Information That Could Lead To The Arrest Of
Perpetrators In The Brutal Gang Rape Attack That Claimed The Life Of a 34-Year-Old Female
Noting that no arrests have been made to date, the ANC is appealing to the public to help the
police in Kimberley in bringing to book the monsters behind the brutal gang rape attack and
killing of 34-year-old Tankisho Tawanyana.

Having been doused with paraffin and succumbing to her injuries a day after this horrendous
attack on Friday evening of 07 October 2022 at Lethabo Park in Roodepan, this gruesome killing
should have elicited a speedy arrest.

Life has been lost in the most horrific way. We owe it to her departed soul, family, friends at
large and especially fellow activists in the LGBTIQA+ community to provide every possible
detail to the police that could lead to a breakthrough.

The killers have unleashed an affront against the ANC’s National Democratic Revolution’s
(NDR) strategic objective to build a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa.
We have emerged from a dark past cleft by inequalities and inequities that reduced many to
being subservient and subhuman; hence intolerance to someone’s sexuality and life choices
should be dealt with whenever it rears its ugly head.

Members of the LGBTIQA+ community should be given space to fly their flag with pride and
their fundamental Human Rights should be protected and upheld by society.
Lesbian Antagonistic Rape is a vicious hate crime. We call upon the Departments of Safety &
Liaison and Social Development to implement awareness campaigns and pave the way for
heightened activism by engaging the LGBTIQA+ groups to develop strategies to eliminate these

The ANC in the Northern Cape extends its sincere condolences to the family and friends of
Tankisho Tawanyana.

The spate of Gender -based Violence and Femicide incidents across the country points to a
pervasive scourge.

The rape and murder of 82-year-old Richmond resident Sophia Miles over the weekend of 15
October is abhorrent and utterly wicked.

We have noted with disappointment a setback in the case wherein charges were withdrawn
against the suspect following two court appearances.
We trust that the police investigations will yield results soonest and that the stakeholders in the
safety fraternity and community members will assist the police in bringing the culprit behind this
heinous crime to book.

We put our trust and hope in the Presidential Summit on Gender-based Violence and Femicide to
provide South Africa with solutions on how best we can combat this National crisis.
The African National Congress in the Northern Cape extends its sincere condolences to the
family and friends of Ouma Miles.

A matter that will again come before court this week and based on the charges of rape and sexual
assault from two complainants against Kimberley "medical doctor" Ilunga Kalasa, have been
shocking to the core.

In mid-August, a 17-year-old patient who had consulted the "medical doctor" at a Kimberley-
based surgery claimed to have been raped by him; subsequent to that, a 25-year-old woman laid
a charge of sexual assault based on an incident that reportedly transpired in April of this year.
While several matters have compounded this case with additional charges brought against the
accused, who is said to be illegally in the country and reportedly a bogus medical doctor, the
rape allegations remain deeply disturbing. They have tainted the profession and medical
fraternity of this Province.

We commend the public, anti-rape activists and schoolmates of the 17-year-old for having rallied
behind the young survivor from when the incident was reported to the police and when the
accuse took to the stand for the first time.

We wish her well in her healing journey. Equally, we spare our thoughts too for the other
survivor and salute her for her unwavering courage.

The African National Congress in the Northern Cape will keep a close eye in the developments
of this case.

We also wish to extend our salutations to all ANC structures that have also rendered support and
joined in several protests outside court whenever the accused appeared.

Issued by the Provincial Secretary Cde Deshi Ngxanga
Media Enquiries – ANC Northern Cape Spokesperson: Thabo Mothibi – 074 490 4927 / email:

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