The Reformed United Church in South Africa inauguration ceremony

By:  Karabo Ntanzi

The inauguration ceremony of Reformed United Church in South Africa (RUCSA) was held at African Lutheran Church during a Covenant Conference from 28 to 29 January 2023. The conference included the consecration of Rev Shimane Johannes Morake as the Moderator, a position between the Bishop and Reverend in the church.

The century-old chapel at Corless Road resembled a bouquet, with congregants from various congregations, including Gethsemane Pentecost Church, Evangelizing Reform Church and Methodist Church.

Bishops and Arch-Bishops from other churches were adorned in their colorful cloaks, mitres, stuffs and other related regalia, proof that this was a special occasion. Other church leaders were spotted in chasubles stoles and expensive suits.

The high temperature and the size of the church did not dampen the spirits of congregants, who jovially sang at the top of their lungs and danced to hymns and choruses. Indeed it was a day to remember.

After the liturgical proceedings, Arch-Bishop John Cross, from the African Church, officiated the consecration process.   RUCSA Secretary (…..) read the resolution giving the Arch Bishop mandate to conduct the rite.

As a sign of humility and meekness, Morake lay on his belly during the initial stage of the consecration.

Cross applauded the congregants for appointing Morake to this position for the next four years. He pleaded with congregants to walk the journey with Morake and appealed to them to correct him when he went astray.

The Arch Bishop also advised Morake to remain humble and seek God’s guidance when facing adversities.

“This is Morake’s season. Allow him to do the work that he is called to do. Your season is coming”, remarked Cross.

Bishop Andrew Matlhaku, Morake’s spiritual father from African Evangelist United Church, who conducted the candidate’s first ordination in 2002, reminded Morake of the hymn Matlhaku adopted from the candidate – “Morena ke mokgorong kea kokota” (loosely translated:  God I’m at the door knocking). He encouraged Morake to hang in there through thick and thin.

The consecration was followed by robing the Moderator’s wife with relevant regalia. “You cannot be a leader without a loving partner. Also, as a man, you cannot reprimand another man’s wife”, remarked Cross.

Morake’s responsibility started immediately by robing his assistants, Rev Molatlhwe, Rev Mongale and Rev Goeieman.

The robing process continued to all structures and the confirmation of eleven candidates who were declared Elders in the church.

More activities followed on Sunday, the baptismal and the official launch of RUCSA by cutting the cake and administering the holy communion.

Visitors from as far as Pretoria and Potchefstroom came to witness this auspicious occasion.          

Rev Morake showing a sign of    Delivering message of support   Robing Rev Goeieman

humility and meekness

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